The Wisconsin House
When all the players in a project work together with respect, skill, and joy everyone wins.
This is an approach that has worked well for me and for my clients over my years of being an architect.
The house was designed for a Connecticut couple returning to their roots in Wisconsin.
He being a sculptor and she a business consultant, their new home will be their workplace as well as the center of their lifestyle.
Wisconsin House Portfolio
Horizons Commons
This project was one of great positivity achieved through the fostering good attitudes and intents. The notion of problems was not present - instead we resolved each new situation together quickly and then moved on.
Horizons is a Connecticut, non-profit organization working with the learning-impaired of all ages. Their immediate need was a new commons building, the hub of their complex. The 10,000-square-foot building serves primarily as a dining/social hall with a supporting commercial kitchen, classrooms, store, etc.
A Master Plan was the first step in understanding and advising on the overall context,
next making the new building the cornerstone of the new campus plan.
The building's pallet is spare, but rich in effect, bringing joy to everyday events.
Every dollar was well used.
The structure is a prefabricated-steel, insulated-panel system yielding a very efficient envelope.
Augmenting this is a huge solar array of PV (photo voltaic) panels and 10 geothermal wells,
yielding a highly energy-efficient building.
Horizons Portfolio
Horizons Website
Mystic Aquarium
Most recently, Mystic Aquarium, a nationally known organization,
asked me to help them develop a Master Plan to address their needs to better serve their public.
Visitors to the Aquarium and the building itself are as much my clients as are those who hired me.
The primary focus is on the entrance, leading to a new and central gathering and exhibit space.
This is a great opportunity for me on many levels.
Mystic Aquarium Portfolio
Mystic Aquarium Website